Sunday, March 17, 2013

We Like to Snap

Today I will be posting in Italics

So, if you don' t know what snap chat is I'll explain it. It's pretty freakin awesome. It's an app on your phone where you take a picture and send it to someone using the internet. Sounds pretty plain, BUT there is of course more. You can draw on the picture. Write a sentence. And the funniest part is you can pick how long the person you sent it to can see the picture (up to 10 seconds). But of course you can screen shot these pictures (if you get it in time.) These are a few of my favorite screenshotted snap chats. I know. Some of them are of 

Haley is always so pretty in snap form.

(I took this one. And literally laughed for five minutes after it. I take a lot of car snaps)

I'm going to miss these snapchats from this loser.

The time when my Mom randomly got a snap chat. She never snaps back.

This guy is totally always following Courthouse around.

I am hating it still. 

Only two more months...yes....

And now for one of my favorite series of snaps ever....

In response to my morning "look at my hair right now" snaps I get some great winners.

And then there is this......

Loves, Austin.

Hey Ya'll! 

Ray here, I'll be writing in normal font......

So SnapChat just gets me. Here are some of my favorite pictures that I have received from my most beloved friends.

So this is my friend Court/Couch. She is literally my favorite person to Snapchat with. I mean please look at these pictures, are they amazing or what??


This picture is worth one million words. 

This one reminds me of that movie Coraline. It is the freakiest movie ever. 


Okay, these next two win for most expressive artwork.


 This one is by my lovely friend, Densley. 

Carter loves working out. 

Now let us all appreciate these next two pictures from my funnest co-blogger, Austin.

This picture.... I didn't know humans could take pictures like this. 

Totally great CoverGirl entry. (P.s. the contest is still going on ya'll)

Okay and these last two are not real snapchats, but they look like they could be. Also, I wanted to show someone these pictures because they are hella crazy.

So, Tyra posted this on twitter....
                                                                1. Don't judge me for following her.
                                                                2.  Props to her for posting this pic of her with no make up on.
                                                                3. It freaks me out so much.
                                                                4. I literally think she is an alien.


Somehow I found this on Instagram. I don't know who this human/horseface is, but I wish I knew them. If any of you followers know who this is, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

Okay well thanks for tuning in cyberworld!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Can I call it spring yet?

So, i'll just be frank.


A lot.

And since I was in Russia last year it has been winter for me since late September. And every time I have said that it's spring now winter attacks my little body again. Let's just say that I am ready for warm nights, windows down, shorts to show off my wonderful legs, and summer night walks. I heard that it's going to be 71 degrees where I live. I couldn't be happier. 
I think i'll go welcome in spring by eating breakfast outside.
But really is 71 degrees spring weather or summer weather? 
Confused in so many ways.

Also there is a girl who is one of my best friends named Rayo (It's Rachel and Ostler combined, I once had too many Rachel friends. I still do.). Don't let her tell you otherwise. But yesterday we ended taking pictures, I don't know how that happened, but the point is. It was warm enough to be outside for a while. 


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ugh My Life

I think I have a few problems....

I have a strange affiliation with colored pens. I don't like writing in black, it bores me.

I live in Cedar City Utah.

Whenever I see something I see as a deal I rationalize why I need it, pick it up walk away, rethink it ten minutes later and put it back, come back five minute later and pick it up. But really three bags of Lays for only six dollars is such a steal. And that chicken pot pie was only 50 cents.

I started watching the wonderful series Once Upon a Time from season one one Thursday night, it's Sunday. I've finished season one. (by the way, I totally recommend it. Obviously) But I think I found one of my favorite actresses. I oddly want the Evil Queen to win.


I buy fast food and then when I eat it in front of my....more active friends... tell them not to judge me. While secretly judging myself.

I get about 10 apps a week that I never end up using, delete, then the week after I get 10 more apps. But that band of the day app would come in handy if I used it.

I have a great love for Natasha Bedingfield and her music. Don't ask why. It's illogical. 

By the way......

I got my juice. And drank it. 


Today, is Sunday.

Do you ever feel really tired?

I don't. 

I found these lovely pictures of my dogs. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

 Tiger is a hella weird dog.



Saturday, February 23, 2013

I'm a girl, and I enjoy that.

Hello internet world, 

This is a place where a friend and I like to express things.

We are not bad people, we just exist in ways that we see fit.

Come, tell us your thoughts.

We don't judge, we were not created to do that.



I'm not dead yet.

Sometimes I think to myself. 
What the heck.... 
What am I doing with my life?
Do I really need to put my sheets back on right now?
Why do I dread waking up most days?
How can I get myself a drink of that really good juice I just bought without moving?
Why do I hate Canada but want so badly to go there? 
So many questions.
So much time.
Too much time.


Welcome to the blog of two too fun friends.